Wednesday 2 March 2011


The Illusion
Questionnaire (Please Circle)

Generally Information
Age: ..............................

Gender: Male Female

Occupation: ......................................

Questions based on the Teaser Trailer you have just seen
1a) How effective did you feel the nursery rhyme at the beginning of the trailer was in contributing to the tension built up?

Extermly effective Very effective Slightly effective Not effective

1b) Why ? ......................................................................................................................................................

2) Do you think the shot of the bed cover peeling back was held for too long?

Yes No

3) Did you understand the story the titles were portraying?

Yes No

4) Did you feel teased enough with the way the twins were sharply edited in and out of shots, only allowing you to catch glimpses of them?

Yes Slightly No

5) Did you find all the “paranormal” activities that occurred throughout the teaser trailer believable? E.g. the door slamming, the pot falling off the cooker, the duvet, telly turning on of its own accord....

Yes Slightly No

6a) Did you think the transition from slow edits to fast pace edits was sufficient enough for a horror teaser trailer?

Yes No

6b) Why/why not ?

7) As the pace and volume of the music begins to increase, did you feel it was reflecting the quick pace of edits?

Yes No

8) Did the shot in the bath create sense eeriness and keep you on edge?

Yes No

9) Did the teaser trailer engage your attention throughout?

Yes No

9b) Why not?

10) Did you feel sufficiently teased by the teaser trailer without giving away too much information?

Yes No

12) What genre do you feel we have portrayed?


13) Describe your favourite shot of the teaser trailer and explain why this is.

14) Would you go watch this film if it was released in cinema?

Yes No