Monday 7 February 2011

Third Evaluation Of Second attempt of filming

 After editing the re-shoots of our shots we still felt like something was missing. After watching our teaser trailer several times, we came to the conclusion that the content of the shots was correct yet the variation of the editing didn't portray the genre sufficiently as we hadn't yet include a series of rapid transactions. So we have come up with the following ideas;

- Sound reflecting the pace of edits (as we felt the music didn't build up enough suspense, however we are going to put the extra sound over the nursery rhyme) 
- Editing needs to speed up and become quicker throughout the trailer, as currently a lot of the shots are held for too long therefore the audience is not teased enough.
- We are going to in corporate a shot at the start of the teaser trailer at a much "slower" edit e.g. a child's swing slowly rocking - no sound apart from the creaking of the actually swing in order to create a sense of eeriness. 

As our teaser trailer is currently at 55 seconds we have the ability to include more shots, without removing any current ones. So we have decided to film a series of short "snappy" edits which will help to disorientate the viewer and tease them more. Here is a few examples of some of the edits we are going to film;

- hand grabbing a knife
- terrified facial expression
- blood dripping
- smashing of a plate/cup
- crying/whimpering

These shots will be used in order to show a variation of edits and to throw the viewer off. 

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