Friday 21 January 2011

Marketing Process

Our task was to create a promotional package for a film, and this consists of a film poster, teaser trailer and a magazine cover. We have to carefully consider when we are going to release each of the different elements and the reason behind our decision.

As a viewer of cinema I have generally noticed that the films poster has been released first - almost reflecting a teaser poster. So straight away interest in the film can occur, sometimes before filming has even commenced. For example if we look at films such as Harry Potter and James Bond, the films promotional posters were released around a year before we even seen a teaser trailer. As this creates hype about the film before we even know the contents of it. However we would not use this kind of strategy as films such as Harry Potter already have an established audience, so you could literally have a poster just containing one of the main characters and everyone already knows what's coming due to them already being so established. This is evident in the "Dark Night" (Batman)promotional posters, as seen in the image below this particular poster doesn't even contain any footage from the film. Yet was still very effective.
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Batman was able to change their marketing campaign which was initially focused on Batman to being focused on The Joker, due to the film being a Blockbuster and distributed by Warner Bros they had the budget to allow this. In compassion to this our film "The illusion" will only have one promotional poster, two maximum. Our promotional poster will be the first of the three elements to be released, as a poster can attract a wider range audience. Due to them being situated in various different places e.g. bus shelters and billboards. Our promotional film poster is going to be released around 6 months before our magazine cover, this will help to establish the  unique look of the film and portray the genre. Posters are considered to be the most effective and cheapest way of advertising a film, hence why we are going to release this first. Posters will also be up for a longer period of time, and most people have a daily routine where they go up the same escalator wait at the same bus stop and pass the same billboard in the car everyday. Therefore by seeing the same poster everyday over a long duration of time will help to convey our film better. Posters can also convert to websites and to magazines, making them very versatile more likely be seen.

Next we are going to release our teaser trailer in order to reinforce interest for our target audience, as this way we will be gradually releasing more and more information. Helping to raise questions. Also the use of the twins again will be running throughout our campigane, with more glimpses of them appering across the teaser trailer. This will hopefully help to sustain those already established viewers from our teaser poster.

Finally in order to create maxium impact from our magzine cover, it will be realised around 4 months after the intial teaser trailer and actually in the month of when the film itself is going to be released in order to generate and sustain enough interest. As by this point our trailers will also have been realised and the posters would of been on advertisment over a long period of time, so our intial target audience should be "hooked" and antispating the realease with the magzine cover emphasising this exciting further and possibly drawing in even more viewers.

1 comment:

  1. "magazine cover around 3 weeks after our teaser " - re-address this!!
    Miss Denby
