Monday 17 January 2011

Second Evaluation of First attempt of filming

When discussing further the different shots we could include in our teaser trailer in order to make it scarier these are some of the ideas that we have come up with: 

1. Take out the shot of when the twins have dialogue, this is due to both Louise and I believing that the impact of the "dead" twins will have more of an effect if we don't hear them speaking. Therefore making them seem more paranormal and less of apart of the living world. (insert clip) 

2. In order to include more horrific shots we have drawn on the inspiration of the teaser trailer of "Paranormal activity", and want to incorporate a shot of the twins almost running straight at the camera. However we will have the shot very zoomed in, not allowing the audience to focus too much on their features still leaving room for questions. This particular shot is literally only going to last a fraction of a second and we are going to include it after the title "The Illusion". The reason we are going to position it here is because, once you have reached the title of the film the audience are left feeling at ease, so by including another horrific shot which is also unexpected hopefully will lead the viewers wanting more.

3. Another shot we would like to include will be of a window slamming shut, as the character Katie is attempting to open it. This is due to the success we believe the slamming of the door had. Yet this time when Katie will be banging on the window, unlike the scene with the door we will be able to see the horror on her face as the window is transparent. 

4. The final shot we would like to create is much like that seen in the teaser trailer of "Amytivile Horror". From the outside of the house we will have a low angle shot, with the lights flickering on and off with the digetic sound of a women screaming. The impact we expect this shot to have is to show the audience that it is the house that is causing all these unfortunate events and you just can't escape it's wrath

 Once again when going into shooting these shots we will be very organised and expect filming to run smoothly. (Fingers Crossed)

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